A cold and logical minded robot that was Queen Monova’s former adviser during her time as a member of the Foursome during the civil war started by The Twin Emperors. XT-50 served his queen loyally for years and even followed her during her trip to an other galaxy through a wormhole. When Monova’s ship was thrown back to their own galaxy again XT-50 was the first to wake up and he was contacted by the dark lord of Oblivion; Aklanarok.
XT-50 was one of many Monova had treated badly during the Civil War and this made it easy for Aklanarok to convince XT-50 to betray both her and Kordahk. XT-50 thought it sounded logical. He wanted payback towards Monova for all the abuse he had received, and contacted The Twin Emperors to tell them where they were. As the Twin Emperors’ soldiers tried to take down Monova and Kordahk, XT-50 took a ship and fled.
The Twin Emperors saw the potential in having a smart and logical minded droid such as XT-50 and he officially became their top spy and information gatherer. But what no one knows is that XT-50 in secret became a servant to the dark lord Aklanarok to help him with his plans for the universe… For XT-50 this is, after all, the most logical thing to do…
He may not be a physical fighter, but his greatest weapon is his sharp and tactical mind. He has built himself many bodyguards and servants that he sends out in the galaxy to bring him whatever information he needs.
XT-50 was the one who told the Twin Emperors were Monova and Kordahk were which led to them forced to flee for their lives. He is directly responsible for the capture of Kordahk which led to the former robot king being tortured for a long time in the prison Pandemonium 5 until he was saved by Monova. He is the creator of Zeranova who he made to hunt down Monova. XT-50 has over the years become a very personal enemy to Monova thanks to all this… and more. XT-50 will only continue to find new ways to cause more pain for Monova and her allies.
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