Saturday, June 27, 2015

Posted by Unknown | File under : ,
OH, YA and RLY

A trio of robots and brothers-in-arms that fought together on The Twin Emperors’ side in the civil war for years.
This trio of robots consisted of their leader OH, the pilot YA and RLY the medic. 

OH was the soldier and protector of the team. He was good with weapons and both agile and strong enough to tackle with a human sized foe, despite a missing finger. While he could be frustrated sometimes with RLY he still cared for him. 
He sacrificed himself during the rescue mission of Kordahk to give Queen Monova a chance to escape with Kordahk.

YA is the pilot and the most calm and logical one out of the team. He acts as a neutral side during the times OH and RLY butts head with each other and would be the one to try to reason with both sides. While not as good a shot as OH, he is a fair shot with his laser pistol. On his legs are miniature jet packs for short-time flight out of danger or reach out of place ledges. He was engaged for a time with a stewardess droid until he found out she had been reprogrammed and knew nothing about their love. He shot her to end her suffering, leaving him heartbroken, but more determined than ever to get justice for his lost love.

RLY is the medic and most cheerful one out of the team. While good hearted and ready to crack a joke he can be a bit clumsy sometimes which has gotten him into more troubles than he may be willing to admit. RLY had always been fascinated with the self-proclaimed robot queen Monova but when he finally met her during her escape from the clutches of the Twin Emperors, there were no words to explain what RLY felt. He got a huge crush on the queen that would not go away so easily, much to OH’s frustrations who tried to remind his brother that Monova would be too good for him. Something RLY would not care about and resume his silent adoration of the Queen of Droids.

After the trio helped Monova escape certain doom they became her followers and close friends on her journeys across the galaxy. It was only naturally that OH became her bodyguard while YA became the pilot of their ship and RLY the medic who handled repairs.

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