Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Posted by Unknown | File under : ,


Kordahk was once part of the Foursome along with Hydrahk, Queen Monova and Magnore. Kordahk was a member of the Foursome, which was the greatest team of assassin robots the galaxy had ever seen. 

He was supposed to be the one drawing most of the attention from the enemies. He was therefore built to withstand heavy punishment. A glitch in his programming made him a bit of a coward though. He developed a crush on Monova during their many missions, but it was very one sided.
Out of the team Kordahk would be the most compassionate and caring. Always supporting his friends and then mostly Monova.
Kordahk would remain having a strong heart and later on overcome his glitch, that made him scared, to become the great and protective ally and friend Monova would later on need. 
While he will always think of Monova as the greatest love in his life, his respect for her wishes will always come first. Whatever choice she makes, he will respect that unless it meant putting herself in danger.
His compassion for his friends makes him very protective. If his friends are in danger he will more than likely want to draw their enemies’ attention to him so his friends can get away.
Kordahk is strong and his tough armor can withstand a lot of punishment before it breaks. He is not very agile though. His hands and arms can transform into a pair of powerful guns that can be used to blast anything in his path.

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