Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Posted by Unknown | File under : ,

Magnore was once part of the Foursome along with Kordahk, Queen Monova and Hydrahk.
The Foursome was the greatest team of assassin robots the galaxy had ever seen. 

Fast and nimble, Magnore was built to be the weapon specialist in the Foursome. Whenever a problem arose he would know what kind of weapon would solve the issue. He was a coward though and would only deal with enemies he thought he could handle. What he lacks in physical strength he more than makes up for it with his destructive arsenal of weapons he always carries with him.

Magnore was proud to be part of the great Foursome, but again and again he was shut down by the arrogant Monova who always took the credit for everything they did. This caused Magnore to develop a serious hatred for the “robot queen” and also to a lesser degree Kordahk because he thought he was stupid for following Monova so blindly.

After breaking off from Kordahk and Magnore, both himself and Hydrahk joined The Twin Emperors and started working for Admiral Zarthek on his ship. 
Magnore saw an opportunity to gain fame and glory while at the same time get revenge at Monova for how she treated him in the past.

Magnore prefers to fight his enemies from a safe distance. Live to fight another day is his motto. Better safe than sorry.

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